I'm falling in love with origami, not just the beautiful simplicity but also how it becomes a meditative practice in making the folds. I wanted to introduce you to Lisa Shea, founder of BellaOnline - The Voice of Women and origami entrepreneur. I'm a former writer for BellaOnline and first found out about Lisa's origami business there. Her work has even been featured during a wedding on the Today Show in 2008.
I've begun to practice cranes mostly and plan on putting up some ornaments on Etsy and possibly Hand Made in Michigan. I'm working with traditional origami paper but also vintage book paper and will start practicing with maps soon. You can get so creative with it!
Lisa has an instructional channel on YouTube. Here is her short version of her crane folding tutorial. Her longer version is here which is helpful to see exactly what she is doing. Her origami sales website is here. She takes custom orders for all occasions. She does beautiful work including garlands, mobiles, jewelry and more.
I've begun to practice cranes mostly and plan on putting up some ornaments on Etsy and possibly Hand Made in Michigan. I'm working with traditional origami paper but also vintage book paper and will start practicing with maps soon. You can get so creative with it!
Lisa has an instructional channel on YouTube. Here is her short version of her crane folding tutorial. Her longer version is here which is helpful to see exactly what she is doing. Her origami sales website is here. She takes custom orders for all occasions. She does beautiful work including garlands, mobiles, jewelry and more.
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